Here at Holy Trinity we strive to build healthy relationships within the congregation, with our neighbours in Yarmouth and amongst our congregational leadership and to serve God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit to develop qualities of a Christian community.
We aim to
- serve God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit;
- develop qualities of a Christian community, a worshipping, caring, forgiving, enabling community;
- share our time , talent and treasure for God’s work at home and around the world;
- actively develop ourselves as a healthy and vital congregation – build and support relationships of friendship and trust;
- be of service to the community of Yarmouth through choosing and building some new outreach ministries;
- grow and reconnect with parishioners who have withdrawn from participation;
- focus on new member ministries that are attractive to people of retirement age;
- develop our strength in worship and filling some gaps to better touch the hearts, minds and souls of more people;
- support and sustain healthy leadership practices by adopting Holy Manners as a code of conduct for all parishioners on committees, council, working groups and at parish meetings.