SafeR Church Policy of the Parish of Yarmouth and Tusket, a Parish in the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, located in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
This policy became effective as of July 17th, 2014 and will be reviewed annually.
Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island:
Safer Church Policy |
WHEREAS this Parish…..
- Is to be guided in the matter of prevention of and response to abuse by the teachings of Jesus Christ;
- Seeks to create, restore, build, nourish and sustain itself as a community of trust and a trustworthy community; a SafeR Church;
- Recognizes that the threat of abuse is real and present and endangers the well - being of all involved with the Parish and the Parish itself;
- Accepts that it has a moral, ethical, and legal obligations to take deliberate action to prevent and respond to the risks of abuse;
- Is part of the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and as such is obligated to heed diocesan canons, policies, guidelines, directives relevant to abuse prevention and response;
We, the Parish Council hereby adopt this as our Parish‘s SafeR Church Policy. We commit ourselves and this Parish to abiding by its principles in our efforts to create SafeR Church for everyone, by taking active measures to prevent and respond to the threat of all forms of abuse – sexual, physical, spiritual, psychological, emotional, including bullying and harassment; committed by anyone involved in this Parish – children, youth, adults, seniors, men, women, lay people and clergy; committed against anyone involved in this Parish – children, youth, adult, senior, men, women, lay people and clergy.
Abuse – Mistreatment of a person. Included are sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological abuse as well as bullying and harassment.
Child/ children/ youth – The Nova Scotia Children and Family Services Act defines a child as, generally, a person under the age of 16.The Act does not define a youth. The Nova Scotia Age of Majority Act establishes that an adult is a person 19 years of age or older.
Governance – The formal and informal structures and processes through which this Parish is controlled, organized, structured, managed, administered.
Intangibles – Realities that cannot be touched or measured, but that are essential elements of the Parish such as its culture, atmosphere and environment.
Ministries – The programs, services and activities of this Parish, both those it controls and directs and those in which it participates or those in which it supports.
This Parish – The Parish of Yarmouth and Tusket in the Diocese of Nova Scotia and PEI.
Personnel – Anyone who does work or performs services on behalf of and at the request of the Church. The word is to be used broadly and may include laypersons and ordained clergy, employees, volunteers, students, interns. It includes people working on a full time, part time, temporary, permanent, seasonal, casual, paid or unpaid basis, including contractors, depending on the situation.
The Plan – The Parish’s SafeR Church Plan.
This policy will apply to every relevant aspect of this Parish’s life, including its Intangibles, Governance and Ministries. Every individual in this Parish is subject to this policy.
SafeR Church Abuse Response and Prevention Policies:
1. Priority given to the well-being of individuals
The Parish will never compromise its obligations to promote and protect the well- being of individuals, particularly children, youth and other vulnerable people, by putting their interests ahead of any individual or its own interests ahead of those of an individual who has made an allegation or disclosure of abuse or who it is suspected has been abused.
When an individual who has been convicted of a civil or criminal abuse related offence wants to participate in Parish life, the Parish will carefully consider what this might/should include or exclude, seeking to extend the love of Christ and opportunities for reconciliation and restoration to that individual, without undermining or compromising the obligation of the Parish to take active measures to protect people who are vulnerable.
2. Compliance with Civil Law in matters related to abuse prevention and response
The Parish will abide by all applicable, relevant municipal, provincial and federal law and regulation including but not limited to the reporting requirements and other obligations indicated in provincial child welfare legislation with respect to the abuse of children or youth and to any relevant provisions of applicable adult protection statutes or other law.
3. Recognition of Diocesan requirements and directives in matters related to abuse prevention and response
The Parish will heed requirements established by the dioceses in matters related to abuse prevention and response.
4. Cooperation with the civil authorities in investigation of abuse
The Parish will cooperate with child welfare/protection agencies and other civil authorities (e.g. police) in any investigation of allegations, reports, disclosures or suspicions of abuse in the Parish.
5. Internal investigation of abuse in relation to a child or youth
The Parish will never initiate or undertake an internal investigation for its own purposes, of an allegation, suspicion, report or disclosure of abuse of a child or youth, unless and until the authorities, including child welfare/protection agencies and the police have made a final disposition in the matter and have indicated that it is appropriate for the Parish to undertake such an investigation.
6. Development and implementation of SafeR Church Plan
The Parish will create and implement an ongoing SafeR Church Plan, with the implementation of an initial plan by January 2015.
a. Specific abuse prevention and response measures
The Plan will identify specific abuse response and prevention measures in relation to its Ministries, Governance and Intangibles. The parish will:
• Establish and enforce these measures
• Regularly monitor, evaluate and test that these measures are reasonable, appropriate, effective, prudent
• Adjust measures as circumstances warrant
b. Abuse response and prevention education and training
The Plan will identify the need on a periodical and ongoing basis, for abuse response and prevention awareness information, education and/or training as appropriate.
The Parish will provide this to:
• All members of the Parish
• All Governance bodies and their members
• All individuals and groups involved in providing Parish programs, services and activities
• All individuals participating in Parish programs, services and activities
c. Annual review of SafeR Church Policy
The Parish will undertake a mandatory annual review of the Plan, including this policy and the specific measures the Plan identifies. In addition, any allegation, disclosure, report or suspicion of abuse in the Parish will trigger a review of this policy and any relevant specific abuse prevention and response measures. Any deficiencies identified through this review must be corrected as quickly as is reasonably possible.
Approval of the SafeR Church Policy
This policy was approved by: The Parish Church Council
Effective as of this date: July 17th, 2014
Official Signature/s: David Warner, Shirley Muise
WHEREAS this Parish…..
- Is to be guided in the matter of prevention of and response to abuse by the teachings of Jesus Christ;
- Seeks to create, restore, build, nourish and sustain itself as a community of trust and a trustworthy community; a SafeR Church;
- Recognizes that the threat of abuse is real and present and endangers the well - being of all involved with the Parish and the Parish itself;
- Accepts that it has a moral, ethical, and legal obligations to take deliberate action to prevent and respond to the risks of abuse;
- Is part of the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and as such is obligated to heed diocesan canons, policies, guidelines, directives relevant to abuse prevention and response;
We, the Parish Council hereby adopt this as our Parish‘s SafeR Church Policy. We commit ourselves and this Parish to abiding by its principles in our efforts to create SafeR Church for everyone, by taking active measures to prevent and respond to the threat of all forms of abuse – sexual, physical, spiritual, psychological, emotional, including bullying and harassment; committed by anyone involved in this Parish – children, youth, adults, seniors, men, women, lay people and clergy; committed against anyone involved in this Parish – children, youth, adult, senior, men, women, lay people and clergy.
Abuse – Mistreatment of a person. Included are sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological abuse as well as bullying and harassment.
Child/ children/ youth – The Nova Scotia Children and Family Services Act defines a child as, generally, a person under the age of 16.The Act does not define a youth. The Nova Scotia Age of Majority Act establishes that an adult is a person 19 years of age or older.
Governance – The formal and informal structures and processes through which this Parish is controlled, organized, structured, managed, administered.
Intangibles – Realities that cannot be touched or measured, but that are essential elements of the Parish such as its culture, atmosphere and environment.
Ministries – The programs, services and activities of this Parish, both those it controls and directs and those in which it participates or those in which it supports.
This Parish – The Parish of Yarmouth and Tusket in the Diocese of Nova Scotia and PEI.
Personnel – Anyone who does work or performs services on behalf of and at the request of the Church. The word is to be used broadly and may include laypersons and ordained clergy, employees, volunteers, students, interns. It includes people working on a full time, part time, temporary, permanent, seasonal, casual, paid or unpaid basis, including contractors, depending on the situation.
The Plan – The Parish’s SafeR Church Plan.
This policy will apply to every relevant aspect of this Parish’s life, including its Intangibles, Governance and Ministries. Every individual in this Parish is subject to this policy.
SafeR Church Abuse Response and Prevention Policies:
1. Priority given to the well-being of individuals
The Parish will never compromise its obligations to promote and protect the well- being of individuals, particularly children, youth and other vulnerable people, by putting their interests ahead of any individual or its own interests ahead of those of an individual who has made an allegation or disclosure of abuse or who it is suspected has been abused.
When an individual who has been convicted of a civil or criminal abuse related offence wants to participate in Parish life, the Parish will carefully consider what this might/should include or exclude, seeking to extend the love of Christ and opportunities for reconciliation and restoration to that individual, without undermining or compromising the obligation of the Parish to take active measures to protect people who are vulnerable.
2. Compliance with Civil Law in matters related to abuse prevention and response
The Parish will abide by all applicable, relevant municipal, provincial and federal law and regulation including but not limited to the reporting requirements and other obligations indicated in provincial child welfare legislation with respect to the abuse of children or youth and to any relevant provisions of applicable adult protection statutes or other law.
3. Recognition of Diocesan requirements and directives in matters related to abuse prevention and response
The Parish will heed requirements established by the dioceses in matters related to abuse prevention and response.
4. Cooperation with the civil authorities in investigation of abuse
The Parish will cooperate with child welfare/protection agencies and other civil authorities (e.g. police) in any investigation of allegations, reports, disclosures or suspicions of abuse in the Parish.
5. Internal investigation of abuse in relation to a child or youth
The Parish will never initiate or undertake an internal investigation for its own purposes, of an allegation, suspicion, report or disclosure of abuse of a child or youth, unless and until the authorities, including child welfare/protection agencies and the police have made a final disposition in the matter and have indicated that it is appropriate for the Parish to undertake such an investigation.
6. Development and implementation of SafeR Church Plan
The Parish will create and implement an ongoing SafeR Church Plan, with the implementation of an initial plan by January 2015.
a. Specific abuse prevention and response measures
The Plan will identify specific abuse response and prevention measures in relation to its Ministries, Governance and Intangibles. The parish will:
• Establish and enforce these measures
• Regularly monitor, evaluate and test that these measures are reasonable, appropriate, effective, prudent
• Adjust measures as circumstances warrant
b. Abuse response and prevention education and training
The Plan will identify the need on a periodical and ongoing basis, for abuse response and prevention awareness information, education and/or training as appropriate.
The Parish will provide this to:
• All members of the Parish
• All Governance bodies and their members
• All individuals and groups involved in providing Parish programs, services and activities
• All individuals participating in Parish programs, services and activities
c. Annual review of SafeR Church Policy
The Parish will undertake a mandatory annual review of the Plan, including this policy and the specific measures the Plan identifies. In addition, any allegation, disclosure, report or suspicion of abuse in the Parish will trigger a review of this policy and any relevant specific abuse prevention and response measures. Any deficiencies identified through this review must be corrected as quickly as is reasonably possible.
Approval of the SafeR Church Policy
This policy was approved by: The Parish Church Council
Effective as of this date: July 17th, 2014
Official Signature/s: David Warner, Shirley Muise